Monday, 5 December 2011

A list to share

I'm procrastinating, I'm writing a blog post instead of getting to grips with my College work. Anyhow, I've just read Tara's blog, in which she talked about a a recently discovered blog she likes to read called Bohemian Twilight  by Monica.  Monica does these lists and as Tara was in the mood, she borrowed it and made her own list.  I really liked the list idea, so I borrowed it too!

read: Tara's blog 
taste: quorn meatballs in a chilli sauce for tea - very yummy. 
see: beautiful Christmas decorations adorning the house
smell: Christmas cake baking in the oven

hear: Eyes On Fire - Blue Foundation
think: when will I start my Christmas wrapping?
feel: slightly guilty for writing a blog post instead of writing up my College work.

Time to make a cup of tea and then make a start on the College work :)


  1. nice list! fancy a bit of that myself. were they true or wishful? hmm... true.

  2. Love it! Off to see Tara's site - there's nothing quite like some blog hopping to help with procrastination xx

  3. I'm so proud that I'm helping everyone procrastinate. :)
