Wednesday 4 January 2012

Making Space

I am really looking forward to Hannah Marcotti's The Making Space Cleanse. You can read all about it at  Hannahs Harvest.  And, if you get inspired by it, Hannah is offering a free spot on the cleanse, for more details visit here Hannahs Harvest . The cleanse is about making space in our homes, hearts and minds so that we may honour our spirits and bodies. I am so ready for that!  Infact, I can't wait to get started, so I've had my very own pre making space cleanse party!

I have created space in a cupboard ready to be filled with healthy ingredients:
Making space for healthy ingredients

I've also been clutter busting (a theme carried forward from last year).  After clearing out loads of clothes from my closet last year, I have now got ruthless with the clothes left and had another clear out. I got inspired by Hannah's comments on her facebook page when she says she only wears about 5 things.  I have created so much more space as a result, it feels really good.  But, the clutter busting didn't stop there - oh no!  I have been clutter busting yet more books (this I find really hard but I really don't like the feeling the power of "attachment" has over me. So today I have had another purge.

6 bags of clothes and a box of glassware

These bags have now been "adios'd" down to various local Charity Shops and I know I have more stuff  I am prepared to let go of.  So, I commit to finding at least 3 more bags of stuff to go this week. I am working my way up to clearing out the "big one" - the storage cupboard under the eaves in our loft conversion - more to come on that, as it involves a trip to Ikea for storage racks!

This year (so far) hasn't all been about clutter busting and space clearing.  I've also been enjoying Susannah Conway's Photo Meditations e-course which started this week. It's lovely stuff.  A 5 week course sharing everything about creating images that carry an imprint of your heart and soul.

Here's my favourite picture I've taken so far this year:

You can just about see the moon!

The Making Space Cleanse starts on January 22nd,  which is the perfect time for harnessing our desires and making space as New Moon weeks are magical for visualizing what we truly want!


  1. Wow, already you have done so much! Looks like a great course.. the most important thing is to follow your heart and move with whatever is calling you... Love to see what you do through this

  2. Good for you - it's an exercise I need to do myself. I have a big pile of videos I should get rid of... we don't even have a working video player anymore... it's hard letting go though... And don't talk to me about books... (I've got a kindle now though so that helps :)

  3. It sounds as if you are off to a good start this year. I love to declutter at the end/beginning of a new year, it really does allow more space for new things to arrive. I'm going over to check out the links as I still need a little more help with letting go of a few things. Happy clutter free 2012 to you.
